Newest Electric Vehicles Innovation That Will Change the Trucking Industry


Since the last few years, the electric vehicle has been one of the most popular topics in the auto industry, labeled as the future of automotive, and solutions to the reducing carbon footprints of the auto industry, including the trucking industry. A lot of truck Dispatch Company and trucking has been known to start researching and embracing electric vehicles for the future.

The Trucking Industry And The Future It Holds

The trucking industry and dispatching company has been well-known as the backbone of the national economy, this is all thanks to the crucial parts that they take in delivering shipments, nationally making it the industry that connects the production with the wholesaler. In sorts, trucking industries are especially important in the economy, and without them, there probably wouldn’t be malls, shopping centers, and modern wholesalers.

Behind the truck drivers, there are also truck dispatchers. They are people who manage, and organize the trucking company, managing the shipments, logistical needs of the trucking company, schedule, and the client’s needs. The truck dispatcher is the manager of the trucking business, and they will also take decisions, and be responsible for delivering the shipments safely to the destination in time.

Thanks to the technology that has been developed over the decades, the electric vehicles now have taken the world of automotive by storm. The auto company has been starting to compete on how well they could make their electric vehicle, how far their car could go in one battery charging, and how well they could bring. Electric vehicles will affect every industry as well, including trucking companies.

We can’t doubt about the importance of trucking industries, and how future-proof it is. We will always need truck industries, even in the pandemic, the truck has been recognized as a crucial sector to make sure the industries, and economy still working. Many people have wondered whether electric vehicles could actually change, or at least affect the truck dispatch company as well.

Electric Vehicle For Trucking Company, Discussion, And Their Proposed Advantages

The newest innovations in electric vehicles could potentially change many aspects of our life, including how trucking industries could be done. Transforming the trucking industry from the whole aspect of choosing electric trucks of course wouldn’t be easy, and it will take a few more years before the changes might happen globally in this industry.

This is why we would like to discuss the innovation of electric vehicles that might benefit the trucking industries and the way that it could happen for the trucking dispatcher industries, such as these proposed advantages of electric vehicles.

Reduced greenhouse emissions

The main value of electric vehicles is their less greenhouse emissions. The trucking industry has been one of the most emission-producing industries in the modern world. With the help of electric vehicle, in the future, it would let companies meet their lower emission standard and has lower operating costs compared with using diesel trucks.

Electricity tends to have a lower price than diesel, this is why in the future, when electric charging becomes more effective and widely distributed, it will offer very efficient solutions for the trucking industry.

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Increased in efficiency

Compared with traditional gasoline vehicles, the electric car has fewer moving parts, which means that they would require less maintenance, are less prone to breaks, and make them more efficient in the eye of truck dispatchers, for its efficiency.

Improved range with charging infrastructure

Currently, only the United States and a few parts of Europe have effective charging stations for Electric vehicles, including big vehicles such as Electric trucks. In the future, if there are lot more charging infrastructure, that would mean the range of electric vehicles would be improved greatly, and it means more availability for changes from gasoline to electric trucking.

Increased automation

Electric vehicles have been proposed to be equipped with more advanced sensors. All of them would enable automation. This would also lead to better safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of the trucking dispatcher companies.

For example, auto driving has been proposed by Tesla company. In the future, if auto driving has been implemented effectively, it would change the trucking industries, as it would let drivers get some rest even while driving, effectively cutting the time, and schedule in the delivery of shipments.

The Implications Of Electric Vehicle For Trucking Business For Now

Of course as we said before, such radical changes in industries, changing usual fossil fuel trucks into electric trucks would take a few more years before these drastic changes could be implemented into industries. It also arises some implications and problems of its own for the trucking business.

For example, one of the biggest weaknesses of electric vehicles is the distance the vehicle can go before they need to be recharged. With the usual fossil fuels, this won’t be many problems thanks to the abundant gas station, however, for the electric vehicle, there are still few electric charging stations available for the vehicles, let alone as big as electric trucks.

Speaking of charging electric vehicles, it would also take more time to charge an electric truck, compared with refueling it with gas. This will throw chaos into the truck dispatching schedule, and would also slow the delivery of shipments.

Currently, there are also not reliable, and strong electric trucks that could compete with the usual gas truck specifications that have been used for decades. It would take a few more years before the specifications of the electric truck could meet the high demands of trucking industries, as well as the schedule of truck dispatch companies in the future.

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