Good Types of Exercise for Mental Health


Body health is always a concern for every human being, whether it’s physical or mental health. Compared to physical health, mental health is often overlooked by individuals. Nirvana is the best fitness place in Bali that you can visit to engage in various exercises beneficial for both physical and mental health.

Mental health is considered less emphasized because most people assume that if their physical health is good, then their body is healthy and fine. However, besides physical health, you also need to pay attention to mental health. One way to maintain mental health is by engaging in various exercises as follows.

Types of Exercise to Maintain Mental Health

Generally, the benefits of exercise in maintaining health are very beneficial. Various benefits you can gain include reducing anxiety, improving concentration, avoiding stress, improving mood, and enhancing the quality of your sleep.

Without realizing it, we may all have experienced anxiety in various aspects of life or in other forms. Eliminating anxiety can be achieved through the exercises discussed below. Also, even if you feel tired from activities during the day, you may find it difficult to sleep at night.

This could be due to a lack of exercise or engaging in other physical activities that can affect your mental state. Therefore, let’s take a look at the explanations below.

– Yoga

The first type of exercise is yoga. This exercise is closely associated with mental health, as most people already know. However, some of you may be curious why yoga is linked to mental health.

The relaxing movements in yoga are believed to help the mind because these movements promote calmness and relaxation in the body. Therefore, it’s no wonder that this exercise is suitable for maintaining both physical and mental health. If you practice this exercise regularly, your emotions and mental health will be well maintained.

For those of you who have never tried this exercise, you can start with easy and simple movements because they are recommended for beginners. If you regularly practice this exercise, yoga can provide extraordinary benefits for your mind and soul, making them clearer and healthier.

Bali is also a place strongly associated with tranquility. Many people choose Bali as a destination for vacation or for healing and calming the mind. If you visit Bali, you can also do yoga at the best and most popular fitness place there, Nirvana.

There are many exercise options you can do there. Besides being in a serene environment that can calm the mind, you will also enjoy various benefits. One of them is that you can try a free trial for your first exercise session there.

– Running

You may have often heard the phrase that when people feel stressed or depressed, they often want to “run away from reality.” However, running away from reality cannot solve the problems you are facing.

Moreover, running is very beneficial for your mental health. So, instead of running away from reality, it’s better to change your routine with a morning or evening run. This exercise is widely chosen and can be done by everyone because it’s practical and economical.

This is because, as you know, you can do this exercise anywhere and it doesn’t require any cost. By regularly doing this exercise, you will feel more relaxed and stress will decrease, especially if done with friends or family, making it more enjoyable.

– Walking

If you find running too strenuous, don’t worry because you can do a similar but more leisurely exercise, which is walking. The benefits of doing this exercise are not inferior to running.

Taking a leisurely walk in a cool and comfortable place will help you relieve stress and overcome body aches. You can do it regularly for at least 30 minutes a day, and mental disturbances like anxiety will gradually improve.

– Swimming

In addition to the three types of exercises above, you can also try swimming to relieve stress. Swimming helps you focus your mind, and it also helps you divert your thoughts from the problems you are facing.

As you know, when swimming, you move many parts of your body, so your physical health is certainly maintained. Behind that, swimming can also keep your soul healthy. Like other exercises, your heart and mind will be calmer and happier if you regularly do this exercise.

– Zumba

Zumba, founded in the 1990s by Colombian dancer Alberto “Beto” Perez, blends dance and aerobics to upbeat music.

Zumba’s success lies in its fun and energetic approach to exercise, drawing inspiration from Latin American dance styles. It offers a full-body workout suitable for all fitness levels and has expanded to include various programs and merchandise. Today, Zumba remains a global fitness phenomenon, enjoyed by millions worldwide.

Recently, this exercise has become increasingly popular and is enjoyed by people of all ages. This is because the movements in this dance are performed to the rhythm of accompanying music. Although it was previously said that yoga is synonymous with mental health because it promotes calmness.

However, Zumba, done with music, can also maintain mental health because it can increase endorphin production. This hormone is known to increase happiness, so automatically mental health will also improve. This exercise is very enjoyable, especially for those who also love music.

Those are some types of exercises that you can do to maintain mental health. Based on the information provided above, you now know that besides physical health, mental health is also important to consider.

You can choose from various exercises above according to your preferences and needs. Don’t forget, you can also do these exercises only at Nirvana Bali.

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