How to Get Used to Regular Exercise


Joseph-harmon – You already know about the many benefits of exercise that you can get. In addition to short-term benefits, exercise can also give you long-term benefits. The benefits are not only felt physically, but exercise can also be beneficial for your mental health.

By exercising regularly, you can immediately feel a lot of benefits, such as a body that feels fit, and reduced stress levels. Apart from this, of course, there are also long-term benefits that you can feel, such as avoiding disease, and a body that remains healthy even though you get old, and look youthful.

Sport is an exercise activity that affects overall the body. Exercise such as walking, running, dancing, or swimming can stimulate your muscles.

Of course, to get long-term benefits from exercise, it’s not enough to just exercise once or twice, you need to do regular exercise and make this exercise a habit.

However, some of you will find it very difficult to make exercise a habit, this could be due to your busy work schedule rule, the place of work that you have to move around, or you are a housewife who is busy taking care of the house and taking care of the children.

But you don’t need to worry, by knowing the gaps you can certainly make exercise a habit. For those of you who are curious about the benefits of regular excercise, how to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, here are a few points.

Benefits Of Sports

Here are some of the benefits you can get when exercising regularly:

• Prevent heart disease and stroke

Regular exercise can prevent you heart disease and stroke, this is because every time you exercise it strengthens the heart muscle, increases good cholesterol levels, lowers bad cholesterol lev, and increases the heart’s ability to circulate blood.

• Controlling diabetes

Exercise can control type 2 diabetes, this happens because when you regularly exercise fat levels in your body go down.

• Lowering high blood pressure

With reduce of fat in the body, will result in a decrease in blood pre-pressure course, and your muscle strength and endurance will increase, the body flexibility that you get when exercising regularly can help you avoid back pain.

• Ward off obesity

Physical activity that is done when exercising can reduce fat levels, increase muscle mass, and increase metabolism in your body. This is what keeps you from obesity.

• Delaying physical limitations when old

Running, gymnastics or other aerobic sports activities are proven to be able to delay the occurrence of physical limitations when entering old age.

• Reduce the risk of osteoporosis

Weightlifting sports activities can help maximize bone formation in your body, so that your body can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

• Improve quality of life

With regular exercise, you can improve your quality of life, this happens because after exercising, your mood will feel better, build self-confidence, overcome stress, and sleep better.

From the several points of the benefits of regular exercise above, of course you also need to balance it with a nutritious balanced intake. Make sure the intake you consume is adjusted to each other’s needs.

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How To Set The Time For Excercise

If you are currently not used to exercising and are sedentary throughout the day, start doing any physical activity that increases your heart rate. Research shows that walking fast for 1-2 hours per week or about 15-20 minutes per day will reduce the risk of various diseases.

In general, adults aged 19-64 years need two types of exercise, namely aerobic exercise and exercise for muscle strength. The total exercise time needed is about 150 minutes per week. You can share it in days. For example 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week.

Aerobic exercises that can be done include cycling or fast walking. A sign that you are doing the aerobic exercise correctly is when your heart rate increases and you sweat.

Aerobic exercises that can be done include cycling or fast walking. A sign that you are doing the aerobic exercise correctly is when your heart rate increases and you sweat.

Between aerobic exercises, intersperse with exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, abs, chest, shoulders and arms. Muscle strength training is very beneficial to increase your energy and stamina, help you sleep better, improve your mood and increase your metabolism.

Here are some examples of muscle strength exercises that you can do at home:

Plank position

Lie face down on the floor like a push up, with your body resting on your forearms and toes. Legs and body in a straight plank position, hold for 30 to 45 seconds, then rest. Repeat this movement 5 times. The benefit of this movement is to strengthen the abdominal, back, and muscles


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart and toes pointing straight ahead. Bend your knees, lower your body and push your buttocks back as if you were going to sit down, until your buttocks are parallel to your knees and your legs form a 90 degree angle. Make your heels the support of your body weight, then return to position. Repeat the movement 25 times, for 5 sets. This movement is to strengthen your hamstrings and buttocks.

Movements such as pushups and sit ups can also be done to train your muscles. In addition, training the muscles of the body can be done in simple ways such as going up and down stairs, walking to the office if possible, or by doing stretching movements between work hours to improve your posture and increase your energy and performance.

Basically there is no specific benchmark regarding this sports hour, all time is good for sports, the important thing is to be consistent.

For those of you who don’t have much time, now you can do high-intensity sports, for this sport it only takes 10-15 minutes but can provide maximum results. The types of sports include:

  • Jumping jacks.
  • Wall sit.
  • Push-ups.
  • Push-ups and rotations.
  • Abdominal crunches.
  • Step-up onto chair.
  • Triceps dip on chair.
  • Side planks.
  • High knees/running in place.

This is Joseph-harmon information about the benefits of regular excercise, how to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, hopefully it will be useful and can increase your enthusiasm for exercising.

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